Sunday, January 6, 2013

These are a few of my favourite things

Before I start this post I just want to say I am not sponsored by any of these company's in any way. I am just voicing my opinion on how awesome these items are.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Years.

So Christmas has come and gone and we are now back to reality. Kids go back to school, routines resume and I start my triathlon training...WHAT???? Oh yes I am getting into full on triathlon mode. In starting all this craziness I thought it would be fun to talk about what was on your Christmas triathlon list, if you received it and what else would dream about having.
First up is the lovely Soas Triathlon suit. I was lucky enough to receive this but it ended up be a late gift because the price to ship it to Canada was astronomical. Luckily I have a lovely friend in the USA that was kind enough to receive it and bring it up to me for New Years. These tri suits are even cuter in person.
Next up is a triathlon bag. Original I wanted a Gyst bag. Unfortunately I didn't even have the option to have it sent to Canada so I went with the 2XU tri bag from the fabulous company Tri boutique.
Just so you know, my wonderful little 3 and 5 year old got me that fab gift!!!

Now I have to admit I had a pretty big list since I really didn't have much tri specific gear but now that I am doing a lot more races and training a lot harder I thought it would be nice to get suited up like the big guys.
So these next items didn't not make it for Christmas but because I'm such an awesome wife and mom I figure there might be a few more chances (Valentines day, Mothers day, Birthday) you get the picture.

Next up on my big list was something that will make my many hours in the pool a little more fun. This little gadget comes from Swim Solutions. It's an Ipod that comes with a special waterproof case and underwater headphones. So awesome right?

Now the last item is kind of two parts. First is the Garmin 910XT computer. 

I have to admit, I really heavily on my bike and run computer. Currently I just have a cheap $30 one on my bike which does the job fine but for running I rely on my iphone and unfortunately I don't race with that. The next item? Well that good looking Garmin would look gorgeous on my new custom made bike. I'm not sure what list this falls under because I don't have it yet but it ended up being my birthday and Christmas present and probably many more presents but it is worth it!!! Since it is custom made I don't have a photo to show you but you can go to Berg Bikes and have a look for yourself at all of the beautiful bikes he has built. A little secret... his wife is my training buddy and she is awesome!!!

So what do you think? Cool items? What about you, any must haves or wish list items you want to share? 

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