Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I'm a wimp

Well it's official, I've decided I am now a wimp. Those that know me well might be a little confused. I workout daily and not easy workouts how can I be a wimp?
This is a picture of me gearing up to do a run. It's been a little cold here on Vancouver Island. It may not sound that cold to others but -8  it is very cold to us. Can you see the hesitation of going for my run?
Here's the thing I never used to be a wimp. I grew up in Southern Alberta where we can get -50 wind chills. I was a ski instructor for 5 years and I had to stand out in ridiculously cold conditions trying to make skiing look fun (which by the way isn't when it's that cold). 
For some reason after we moved to the Island I have acclimatized myself to not tolerate cold very well. So how do you keep motivated and keep your training going on these cold days? You get creative. I unfortunately don't run on a treadmill so I do have to go out into the cold however if the conditions are dangerous i.e.. Icy roads or poor visibility (yesterday was a great example). So I stuck close to home and did running drills instead. I then went to Masters at my local pool. 
Today was again very cold so I went to a bootcamp and did some weight training and tonight I will go out into the garage and get on the wind trainer. Thank gawd for Sufferfest!

Fortunately this cold will pass very quickly. Tomorrow I will probably get to do a run in this:
Winter is a great time to get creative and test your toughness. I could very easily make excuses but with a lofty goal only 6 months away it makes you stick to the plan.
Stay warm and keep sweating on.

~This Sunday will be my first running race of the year. I'll let you know how that goes next week.~

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