Monday, April 29, 2013

Training so hard he split his pants!

I think I may just have had the best training week EVER!!!! Both Thursday and Friday I got to enjoy 2 spectacular rides. Nothing of great distance jut 50km and 70km but my legs felt great. I didn't feel like I was struggling at any point and I felt like I could just keep peddling forever. Saturday I got back into the pool after a week and a half of a break due to a very strange sore shoulder. I took it pretty easy but I think I will be ready to swim with the Masters club tonight. Yesterday I participated in the Victoria TC 10km. I've never run it before but my friend convinced me to be on her team and it was all just for fun so I thought why not? I didn't expect a very fast time because it is sooooo busy. Well boy was I wrong. I just ran my fastest 10km ever. I beat my previous PB by 4 minutes. 

So after all of these great workouts it hit me that my training is paying off!

Back to my Saturday swim though...
I have a great group of friends whom I do almost all of my training with. D who is this crazy 59 year old who is super hard core. He keeps me up to par with lots of fun rides and many running drills. Then there is S who I have mentioned before. She is a badass cycling chick who makes me want to cry when she hammers up hills. Luckily I'm only slightly better at swimming so that we even out the playing field. Then I have the Mr. & Mrs. Mr. is a super duper Ironman. He is full of amazing information and tips leading up to my own Ironman even if it is only 70.3. His wife is the most amazing Naturopath in the whole wide world and the two of them combined equals major cuteness!!!They are my main crew. They are the ones I spend many hours on the road and in the water. I love them all dearly and they are the reason I am achieving such great goals.
Anyways, Mr. & Mrs. almost always spend Saturday nights in the pool with me. We usually get 3 lanes to ourselves and the rest of the pool isn't too busy either. Well, after a nice swim we hit the hot tub and Mr. is sitting on the side probably lecturing me on my nutrition on the bike as he always does when all of a sudden his facial expression changes to concern. Mrs. and I look at each other wondering what went wrong when Mr. announces he just split his swim shorts. I have no idea what got over me but I looked right at him and burst out laughing. Actually I think I had uncontrollable laughter. It's a good thing Mrs. is so nice and thoughtful. She ran and got a towel for him. Lucky for him we were there. Otherwise I think Mr. may have had to sprint to a change room while the lifeguards hunt him down for running on deck. 
So once we got out to our cars We got a closer look of the damage:

He was such a good sport letting us laugh at his expense. 

The crazier thing is I have another friend who had the same thing happen to her. She wasn't as lucky to have friends laugh at her but some stranger had to tell her the bad news.

Before I go today I just wanted to share the latest thing on my wish list. I'm still not sure I'm worthy of an aero helmet but if I do get good enough to warrant one this is the one I would pick:
I think it would suit me just fine.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

All this paperwork is tough

Again I have to apologize for my lack of blogging. Keeping up with all this paperwork is tough business. First up...
I won the underwater ipod!!!! I have had it for a few weeks now and it really does help me get into the pool. I absolutely LOVE it!!!!
Next up is all of this training. I have to say I actually really enjoy it. Lots of ups and downs. Overall though, it makes me happy. I'm just coming off of a rest week and I believe I will be getting into the more core part of my training plan. My coach has warned me. Yikes!!!! The good news is I think I'm on track and my coach is happy so this means all is well. As long as I don't injure myself I think it will all pan out nicely. 
My new bike is working out fabulous. I honestly had no idea that a better bike does help your riding. I still totally suck on hills but I don't suck as bad as I used to.
My next big news was I completed my very first half marathon. I did the Comox half at the end of March and was pleasantly surprised with my final time of 2:03:12. It was a great race. Lots of my friends were there racing especially my favourite vegan...
Sandra and I are both vegan athletes not that we boast much about it. She is a total rockstar though. I am so happy to have her in my life. This was when we were 1/2 marathon virgins (about 10 minutes before we started the race).  The best thing about this race is I finished strong. I actually sprinted the last kilometre. So now that that's under my belt I am definitely ready for my 1st half Ironman!

Now I am taking a small break from racing. Come June first though I will be a busy girl. I promise to keep you posted ; )